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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

BBAW presenting Love YA Lit

Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As we all know book bloggers kick ass!! As a small part of the festivities this week I signed up to interview and be interviewed by a fellow book blogger. I was matched with the lovely and fabulous Em from Love Ya Lit.  Of course she's my new BFF so check her out!!!

1) The best book you've read this year would be....

I am going to cheat a little on this one (you don't mind, right? it is too hard to pick one!). 

For "adult" books, I would have to say Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok (crossover to YA potential on this one) and Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. 

For YA books, I really loved "Ship Breaker" by Paolo Bacigalupi. I love dystopian fiction and this one was extremely well written, had diverse characters (in just about every sense of the word), and a lot of adventure. My co-blogger Nora and I did a joint review of this one:

For junior readers, I thought The Popularity Papers: Research for the Social Improvement and General Betterment of Lydia Goldblatt and Julie Graham-Chang by Amy Ignatow was adorable - sweet, funny, heart-warming. 

And for the early readers, "Good Night Garden Gnome" by Jamichael Henterly, Ira Sleeps Over by Bernard Waber, and Bird by Zetta Elliott are some of my "new" favorites. 

2) The book you've most wanted to read but haven't yet is.....

I have wanted to read "The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie for a long time. I really want to listen to this one on audiobook and my library system doesn't own a copy.; someday I will break down and buy it.  I also want to read every book written by John Green but am trying to pace myself. 

3) If someone wrote a biography of you what would the title be?

Why would they be doing this exactly?  Perhaps something like "And Then It All Made Sense".  Friends often refer to me as enigmatic; I think my biographer could figure me out (I'm not that complicated). 

4) If you had to depend on one book character to save your life (either by brain or brawn), who would it be? 

Buffy The Vampire Slayer if we're talking rescue from "the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness."  Finnick from The Hunger Games trilogy if we're talking everyday evil. 

5) What is one book you think everyone on the planet should read?

Wow.  Everyone.  Well, The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf or "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry are both all-time favorites of mine.  I also would love to see more people read Kindred by Octavia Butler and 

6) When you were growing up, who was your favorite author? Who is your favorite author now?

I loved Lois Lowry as a youth - the Anastasia Krupnick books and "The Giver" were some of my favorites.  As an adult, I love Sherman Alexie, Eric Carle (for his heart even more so than his books), Octavia Butler, Neil Gaiman, and June Jordan.   

7) Pie or cake?

Strawberry or blueberry pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. I love cake, but cake can't beat the best-of-the-best pies.  

8) Nike's or Louboutin's?

I'm not a shoe person, perhaps in large part because I don't wear leather and vegan shoes are not super exciting.  I'm going to go with Louboutin's though, even though I know little about him, his company, his integrity.  I have heard far too much about sweatshop abuses to go Nike.  Plus, Louboutin's website has interesting animations (chickens and owls included) and magic. 

Didn't I tell you. Isn't she fab!!! I'm so happy she's my new BFF. Thanks so much Em for the great interview. If you want to see what else Miss. Em has to say and of course her kick ass interview of me stroll on over to 
Love YA Lit. Until next time.


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